Chamber of Eco Commerce
'We turn Challenges into Opportunities'

→ Innovation 

→ Incubation
 → Investment
 → Intelligence
  → International

For Immediate Release

Contact: Corporate Public Relations

                                              Chamber of Eco Commerce Launches 

December 1, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia --- The governments, philanthropists, nonprofits, and foundations cannot solve alone the growing challenges of energy, water, food, health, and environment. In addition, the innovators are often small businesses which do not have the resources to tackle large scale problems faced by communities in the developed countries, and over two-thirds of the world's population across the developing world.

In December 2010, the Chamber of Eco Commerce, CEC, launches in Atlanta, London, Helsinki, Beijing and Moscow, seeking to bridge the gap between innovators, investors, businesses, academic institutions and governments to accelerate sustainable innovation and profits, and the efficiency and scale of eco-innovation based solutions. CEC will join to bring together individuals and organizations in eco commerce, providing essential trade services and stimulating the economy of the geographic location it serves.

New sustainable business models capable of bringing affordable clean technology solutions to market are now emerging. Many of these small to medium size businesses can create profits, jobs, and lead directly to economic growth. Launching a business that focuses on the sustainable energy, food, water, health, and environment - needs of individuals, organizations and communities seems promising and attractive while daunting in details and obstacles. CEC can make the difference in helping innovators to transfer and implement technologies and transform businesses and industries, and promote innovations to motivated investors, customers, and partners locally across continents.

CEC is a global network with the private sector, governments, NGOs, and philanthropic communities. When appropriate, CEC will invite proposals from innovators and companies that best fit CEC partner projects and stakeholder priorities. CEC operates by providing local business support services to innovators and investors to help them evolve and thrive.

CEC will seek partnerships with investors, governments, academic institutions and corporations through co- investment and public private partnerships. CEC will accelerate and change the way technology impacts industry and individuals at home and abroad.

CEC focuses on maximizing financial returns to both innovators and investors, shared value, and social returns to communities. CEC delivers efficiency in energy and water usage, storage and production, agricultural inputs and food distribution, nutrition and healthy food, paper and packaging, aquaculture, safer materials, health care, housing, and other ET markets.

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About the Chamber of Eco Commerce, CEC

Founded in 2010, CEC is an independent and privately funded sustainable innovation initiative and a business venture. CEC is accompanied by a wide range of business and financial support services nurturing the technology innovators to scale.

The core business in promoting eco-innovations, investment in new technology and start ups, and projects is to jump-start the creation of enterprises that can accelerate green progress, transform business processes and industries, and create new business models and jobs, to improve the competitiveness of companies across industries and continents.

CEC has implemented an invitation-only process. Unsolicited proposals are not accepted. We work closely with our CEC local chapters and highly qualified individuals and organizations, to internally develop priorities, projects and a strategic portfolio of technologies. The corporate office is located in Atlanta with satellite offices in London, Helsinki, Beijing and Moscow. In 2011, CEC plans to expand operations by opening satellite offices in key locations across Europe, Asia/Pacific, South America, Africa, and Middle East.

ET Market (click)

About the AcceleratumHub

The is a dynamic sustainable innovation marketplace. This web based portal launches in January 2011. Acceleratum has built this unique web based sustainable innovation hub in collaboration with Microsoft to accelerate commercialization and funding of innovations, and to mitigate risk by managing and marketing innovations to help innovators bring their innovations to the global marketplace. The hub has diverse representation from industry, academia, non-governmental organizations, and state governments. In 2009 the leadership of the CEC based in the EU, US and China, set a goal to help companies incorporate eco innovation and sustainability into ‘business as usual’ by giving leaders from business and governments easy and fast access to proven innovations and innovators that increase profits and environmental performance.

The Acceleratumhub links innovation, finance, economics, and legal disciplines with private-public sector partnerships to accelerate eco and sustainable innovation and green progress. The hub serves as a marketplace where innovators, investors, business leaders, and policymakers can collaborate, learn, share, create, identify, and implement innovations, strategies, and best practices aimed toward green progress and profits.

Individuals come in to the web based hub to find the ‘next big thing’ in clean and green technology space. The Hub delivers a deal flow at the valuation that investors seek, offering a tremendous momentum in the global marketplace. Confidence is important to every investors’ investment decisions.

ET Marketplace (click)

Global Sustainability Centers (GSC)

The Sustainability Center in each geographic location brings together individuals and organizations in eco commerce, providing essential trade services and stimulating the economy of the geographic location it serves. A GSC puts all the services associated with eco commerce under one roof.

A GSC virtual or live address gives a business prime and continuous access and exposure to all the services, organizations and individuals essential for success in eco trade. A Sustainability Center in web-based virtual location or any city is a business center, complementing and supporting the existing services of private business, government agencies, NGOs, academia, and non-profits.

The purpose of a Sustainability Center is to provide CEC local eco innovators and working groups a place to work under one roof, virtual of physical place of business, and deliver actionable knowledge, tools and contacts in a real-time and coordinated manner. ‘Sustainable business as usual’ increases because of the easy and fast access to valuable contacts, experts, and know-how created by a market place of GSC.

GSC (click)