Chamber of Eco Commerce
'We turn Challenges into Opportunities'

→ Innovation 

→ Incubation
 → Investment
 → Intelligence
  → International

Criteria for Chamber of Eco Commerce Chapter Initiatives 

CEC Chapter Leaders are invited to submit initiatives that support the implementation of the Chamber of Eco Commerce Goals while being a profitable and sustainable part of the CEC’s core business strategy. Initiatives shall contribute to economic growth, and shall possess goals that are quantifiable in both business and development terms.

A Chapter Initiative shall be:

Able to generate economic and development benefits. These benefits may include, for example:

  • Generate significant new employment opportunities; 
  • Improve the quality of supply chains, helping local businesses to diversify and/or become  internationally competitive; or
  • Include innovations and/or technologies that make it easier for individuals and businesses  to thrive.

Clearly linked to the Sustainable Innovation, Eco Innovation and/or stakeholder’s core business. The initiative should not purely be a philanthropic or social investment activity. It should be part of the core competencies of the CEC stakeholders and sustainable within  business. The initiative should also not be a one-off activity, but should be scalable and replicable within a given market or across new markets. 

Incorporate a fresh approach to business for the company, enabling it to access and serve markets in ways not previously achieved. The initiative should not be a long-standing, mainstream business activity. The initiative can represent a pilot, an expansion or acceleration of transformative activities and operations. Initiatives that continue an established way of working without generating increased benefits to CEC stakeholders would not qualify under CEC Chapter Initiatives.

SMART objectives. In developing an initiative, the company shall ensure that the objectives are SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound. A company should be able to say where the initiative will be implemented, the intended time period, and the results - quantifiable and qualitative - that expect to be achieved by the initiative. A company has 12 months from signature of the CEC Declaration to develop an initiative, and will receive appropriate guidance from the CEC Secretariat and the CEC local  chapter in making sure the proposed initiative meets the desired development objectives. 

Able to generate measurable results. Once an initiative has been accepted by the CEC, you will be requested to provide regular reports on the progress of the initiative, including appropriate quantitative and qualitative data.

Initiative Approval Process

Step 1

 Company submits signed Declaration to CEC secretariat.  

Step 2

CEC secretariat confirms receipt of the signed Declaration within 10 working days, notifying you that you have up to 12 months from signature of the Declaration to submit a Sustainable Innovation Initiative (SI). Secretariat sends you relevant project templates with guidelines and approval process, and provides appropriate support and guidance during the development of the SI to ensure that criteria are fulfilled.

Step 3

SI proposal is received in the secretariat.

Step 4

Secretariat acknowledges receipt of the Initiative and notifies you of any additional information required, and of approval process to be followed. 

Step 5

Initiative sent to CEC for approval, provided Initiative has all the information required.

Step 6

Initiative is reviewed by CEC.

Step 7

Approval is granted or further clarification/information is sought from you.  You may be requested to further develop initiative before partners are ready to approve. 

Step 8

Secretariat advises Company of CEC decision. 

If initiative is rejected or requires further information, Secretariat provides full disclosure of any issues of concern.

Step 9

Business becomes part of CEC community of practice. Initiative announced by project manager on high profile platform. Company may use CEC branding and have access to showcase events and network with other stakeholders in the CEC.