Chamber of Eco Commerce
'We turn Challenges into Opportunities'

→ Innovation 

→ Incubation
 → Investment
 → Intelligence
  → International

The Chamber of Eco Commerce, CEC, founded in 2010, is a fast growing international network of innovators, investors, experts and leaders in Sustainable Innovation, and the first and most vibrant Eco Commerce network in the world. Simply, we seek to accelerate the transfer of eco-innovations and advance the business of Eco Commerce at a local level and global scale.

CEC is a global community of Business Leaders, Policy Decision Makers, Private and Institutional Investors, Venture Capitalists, Catalytic Philanthropists, Social Entrepreneurs, Corporate Intrapreneurs, and other leaders and experts. We represent Private and Public Companies, Financial Institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Government Departments of Commerce, International Trade Administrations, Trade Associations, Embassies and Consulates, Industry Service Providers, and other organizations. 

CEC is an independent and privately funded sustainable innovation initiative and a business venture. CEC is accompanied by a wide range of business and financial support services nurturing the technology innovators to scale.

The core business in promoting eco innovations, stimulating investment in new technology, start ups and first application and market replication projects, is to jump-start the creation of enterprises that can accelerate green progress, transform business processes and industries, and create new business models and jobs, and to improve the competitiveness of companies.

CEC has implemented an invitation-only process. Unsolicited proposals are not accepted. We work closely with our CEC local chapters and highly qualified individuals and organizations, to internally develop priorities, projects and a strategic portfolio of technologies. The corporate office is located in Atlanta with satellite offices in London, Helsinki, Beijing and Moscow. In 2011, CEC plans to expand operations by opening satellite offices in key locations across Europe, Asia/Pacific, South America, Africa, and Middle East.

Eco Commerce is a business, investment, and technology development model that employs market-based solutions to balancing the world's energy needs and environmental integrity.

Eco-innovation is a term used to describe products and processes that contribute to sustainable innovation. Eco-innovation is the commercial application of knowledge to elicit direct or indirect ecological improvements. It is often used to describe a range of related ideas, from environmentally friendly  echnological advances to socially acceptable innovative paths towards sustainability.

Cleantech is a term used to describe products or services that improve operational performance, productivity, or efficiency while reducing costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste, or pollution. Its origin is the increased consumer, regulatory and industry interest in clean forms of energy generation.

Sustainable Innovation is 'innovation for long term benefit to people, society, economy and nature' harvesting the creativity and innovativeness of people to solve problems. By developing and implementing new technology we can better adapt to new challenges creating renewable energy and improving energy and material efficiency. To change the habits of people and the operating models of firms and institutions social innovations are needed. Sustainable innovation is based on ethically, socially, economically, environmentally sustainable principles. These principles include:

  • Sustainable development
  • Inclusive Innovation.
  • Continuous Innovation.
  • Global Innovation.
  • Innovative Leadership.


Physical and Web based marketing and communication platform to support and help innovators and businesses promote their eco-innovations to potential investors, business leaders, policymakers, partners, customers and the public.

CEC Online

In January 2011, CEC stakeholders can join state of the art portal, a global platform with associated infrastructure and software providing collaboration, content, communication tools, and process solutions. The portal enables company's to brand and serve customers while building a viral network and community of individuals/organizations with similar interests. Specific products and services include: micro sites; communication tools such as: blogs, wikis, twitter, video conference, on-line face to face chat; structured and customized search content based on user profiles and group categories; process tools; workflows, education, government grant, fulfillment.

More about us (click here)

What you should know about CEC  (click here)

CEC is a community founded on the open exchange of information and ideas, while creating the opportunity for eco innovators, business and policy leaders to speak with a unified voice. Bringing together the world�s eco commerce leaders, CEC will strengthen individual endeavors while amplifying the collective voice of eco commerce. We accelerate eco commerce progress and help develop effective policy on issues affecting our business. Key to this effort is the work of our local sustainability centers and working groups, committees, subcommittees, task forces, and councils involving representatives of corporations, organizations, and the academic community who serve voluntarily.

CEC is a community founded on the open exchange of information and ideas, while creating the opportunity for eco innovators, business and policy leaders to speak with a unified voice. Bringing together the world�s eco commerce leaders, CEC will strengthen individual endeavors while amplifying the collective voice of eco commerce. We accelerate eco commerce progress and help develop effective policy on issues affecting our business. Key to this effort is the work of our local sustainability centers and working groups, committees, subcommittees, task forces, and councils involving representatives of corporations, organizations, and the academic community who serve voluntarily.