Speaker Series


The SMART Speaker Series in association with Eco Commerce Exchange (ECE) is now in production. From live events and select local venues, to an on-line presence that enables the worlds of social media and live performance to seamlessly meet, the ECE experience is about collaborative learning, discovering new business opportunities and unique contacts.The ECE is always open and just waiting to be discovered. 



The Speakers have at least one thing in common - they share insight, provoke thought and stimulate conversation about compelling and timely issues, stories and events. By offering entertaining educational opportunities that are unique and unavailable elsewhere, ECE continues to attract expert Speakers from around the world. 

The first Speaker Series in 2013 featured a number of highly regarded experts in the field of Eco Commerce. The lecture program has since expanded to include internationally renowned business executives, investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers, philanthropists, scientists, authors, media experts and other luminaries.

The Eco Commerce Exchange (ECE) has become a well-established and highly regarded highlight of the global commerce, and an integral part of the international business community. 

For topic suggestions, speaker engagements, and sponsorships:

International Audience

The ECE works closely with organizations around the planet to identify Speakers who have particular appeal for ECE's fast growing international audience of over 2 million business executives, values-based investors and donors, entrepreneurs, and policy leaders. 

Public Service 

The Speaker Series also addresses an important role of ECE's global mission - public service in the communities - by dedicating speakers to address education and other societal issues and concerns.

All production expenses for the Speaker Series are covered by sponsorships. NO state funds, research foundation funds, donations or general gifts are used to fund or support the Speakers or programs.

Public Private Partnerships (PPP)

We help business executives, investors, and philanthropists seeking potential partnerships to find projects and engage investors with enterprises, organizations and communities around partner projects by region. 

Collaborative Online Learning 

This speaker series is about bringing best practices to market. ECE brings together individuals and organizations in a way that does not require a large investment of funds and time. By pooling our contacts and resources, we can find new opportunities to bring innovations to market in a quick and efficient manner. Together, we can overcome market penetration challenges and remove barriers accelerating access to markets, funding and government approval process.

This Speaker Series will discuss the following:

Resource and risk management have become critical issues worldwide. Legislation requiring enterprises and communities meet specific quality standards, have conservation programs, and environmental monitoring systems in place, is becoming very common.

A very important aspect of resource management is a better understanding of resource efficiency. What you cant measure - you cant manage' . However, a management plan or policy can not be developed or improved without the availability of qualified data. Therefore, data forms the basis for developing any plan or policy. Recognizing this, we have developed real-time management platforms and resource efficiency management systems (REMS). These platforms are designed to help companies and organizations to optimize resource efficiency and mitigate risk.

Resource Efficiency Management Systems (REMS)

REMS allow for a broad set of consistent indicators to be collected and evaluated when deciding on priorities, and future strategies. Companies can automate and organize their data collection, and simplify process management, analysis, data exchange, and use of information for process control, design and implementation of a new plan or policy. These instant reporting systems are based on real-time data, access and sharing of reports. The local, state and government agencies and NGO's can develop new real-time databases to monitor and measure resource efficiency, and industrial and environmental performance.

Resource Efficiency Management System

To monitor and measure a combination of resource usage, process management, and the financial performance of a company or organization. 

REMS delivers the following; 

  • Keeps business leaders, policymakers and management teams informed; 
  • Improves industrial and environmental resource capacity management on a local, national and international scale; 
  • Fills the need to present data representing overall resource and financial efficiency; 
  • Provides a basis to establish consistent standards of measurement and methodology; 
  • Enables real-time data collection, and sharing of information and knowledge, in order to establish an empirical foundation for effective resource management;
  • Maintains and improves availability of accurate and timely information required for resource management plans and policies, while keeping the associated administrative cost and burdens to a minimum. 

For a small one-time license fee, and a monthly service fee, companies and organizations can gain special access to REMS online platform and start managing their resources more efficiently.

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