Eco Industry and Jobs
The eco-industry is broadly defined as “activities which produce goods and to measure, prevent, limit, minimize or correct environmental damage to water, air and soil, as well as problems related to waste, noise and ecosystems. This includes cleaner technologies, products and services that reduce environmental risk and minimize pollution and resource use”.
Pollution management consists of nine eco-industry sectors that manage material streams from processes managed by humans to nature, typically using “end of pipe” technology. It also includes cleaner technologies and products, which are mentioned in the definitions as “equipment”. In order of turnover:
- Solid Waste Management & Recycling (€52.4 billion)
- Waste Water Treatment (€52.2 billion)
- Air Pollution Control (€15.9 billion)
- General Public Administration (€11.5 billion)
- Private Environmental Management (€5.8 billion)
- Remediation & Clean Up of Soil & Groundwater (€5.2 billion)
- Noise & Vibration Control (€2 billion)
- Environmental Research & Development (€0.11 billion)
- Environmental Monitoring & Instrumentation (€1 billion)
Resource management includes five eco-industry sectors that take a more preventive approach to managing material streams from nature to the technosphere:
- Water Supply (€45.7 billion)
- Recycled Materials (€24.3 billion)
- Renewable Energy Production (€6.1 billion)
- Nature Protection (€5.7 billion)
- Eco-construction (€40 billion)
We split jobs into four areas: inventing, commercializing, producing, and installing.
Sizing the Clean Economy - A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment (July 2011)
Training Economic Development