Chamber of Eco Commerce
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Carbon Neutral Transportation (CNT) Projects

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

We aim to optimize management of both private and public transportation to reduce environmental impact.

We develop technologies and promote behavior that helps to reduce greenhouse gases. 

Communications technology is being increasingly integrated in the development and deployment of innovative Intelligent Transport System solutions. The resulting efficiency improvement for the whole public and private transportation process has a direct positive impact on the environment.

ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Platforms are advanced ICT distributed solutions based on Internet computing. It already provides access to innovative telco capabilities such as mobile network and A-GPS location services.

We focus on info-mobility services for the driver and the citizen. Innovative services aiming at optimizing the management and use of public and private transportation are also supported (e.g. sorting traffic to avoid jams, parking management, etc.). The platform is also designed to enable mobile payments and vehicle control (intelligent navigation, entertainment, etc.).

All the entities of the transportation environment become interconnected and able to exchange data and information. Many different communication paradigms will be made available, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, Service Centre-to-Vehicle, Pedestrian-to-Vehicle and Driver-to-Service Centre. New services and business models to improve the traffic efficiency and reduce the environmental impact will be developed. 

By using the information obtained from mobile terminals and on-board telematic platforms, the new info-mobility solutions allow for better traffic management to save energy, better use of urban infrastructure (e.g. parking) to reduce travel time and CO2 emissions. These are advantages both for the environment and the population.

Pilot Project: To Expand Offerings and Reduce the Prices of Organic Products

Integrated cargo intelligence, logistics, electric vehicles, Temperature Controlled Packaging (TCP), and innovative communication aims to reduce the prices of organic products. 

The lower prices can be seen as a consequence of an optimized distribution channel of organic products from farmers and retailers to consumers and other end-users, such as chefs.   

Today, the organic supply chain is to a large degree distributed through smaller separate channels, not through the mainstream retailing organizations. 

Engagement of consumers and end-users of organics within the organic food movement, has resulted in demand growth as well as price pressures. There is a willingness to pay a price premium for organic products but experts believe that today’s economy is impacting price elasticity. Organic products must find a way to become more competitive even with the added benefits offered to the environment. 

Efforts are on there way; ‘Greening the Supply Chain’ partner project was launched in 2010 to introduce the latest eco Innovative packaging, shipping, distribution, and transport solutions, to help farmers and retailers expand their organic offerings, minimize loss of perishable cargo, and lower price of organics to consumer and end-user. 

May 2011: Banking on Distribution of Organics - CCS Expands Operations to Meet Growing Demand for Organics

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Pilot Project: Temperature Controlled Packaging (TCP)

Perishable transportation market is estimated to grow fast locally, regionally, and globally despite the economical slowdown. Many countries and farmers would like to become more engaged in the production of perishable products for export and sales but lack adequate and affordable packaging and transportation solutions. Today, up to 40% of perishable products are wasted or spoiled between production and reaching the  consumer. 

To boost and expand carbon neutral shipping in perishable cargo sector and to meet the TCP and transport needs of small to large suppliers, retailers and transportation companies worldwide, we have developed a new thermo module (patent pending). This cost effective solution for freight is made with light recycled materials, and it is easy to use and clean, and it does NOT require external power sources to operate - such as temperature controlled vehicles for transportation. 

This innovation can open new markets and business opportunities for manufacturers, suppliers, logistics & transport companies, and retailers of temperature controlled products. 

Key benefits:

Savings in Transportation Fleet

NO refrigerated vehicles are needed for transportation. 

Smaller and Faster Delivery

Enables significantly smaller deliveries directly to customers avoiding the costs and delays generated by intermediate cold cargo storing. This creates an opportunity for companies to increase their offerings to customers, while improving flexibility, quality, and speed of service.

Sustainable Transport and Mobility Solutions

Enables and expands carbon neutral shipping and transport.  

Economic Impact

Real-time business intelligence platform monitors, verifies, and reports that the cold chain is not broken during the transportation. This has not been possible when using conventional technologies and transport equipment, where cargo space doors must be opened thus creating temperature spikes. Verification system has great impact for companies creating significant savings in recompenses and insurance premiums. 

Risk Mitigation

The risk for spoilage of perishable cargo will be significantly reduced when the cold chain is not broken and even temperatures are maintained.


Savings in energy can be achieved when opening the cargo space door doesn’t raise the temperature of the cooled space; the consumption of fossil fuels of one single refrigerating machine is 15-20 liters/ gallons a day; the total amount of transportation mileage is reduced and fuel efficiency improved, when the same or smaller size vehicle can transport frozen goods, perishables and dry goods in the same vehicle to customers. 

Small Deliveries

Enables smaller deliveries and the use of non-refrigerated small vehicles in city deliveries.  


Thermo module can remain in the customers’ premises working as a cold storage for a limited time. 


Eco-efficient, reduces waste, and the use of fuel, materials and water.

Carbon Neutral Transportation Hub

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We aim to optimize management of both private and public transportation to reduce environmental impact.

We develop technologies and promote behavior that helps to reduce greenhouse gases. 

Communications technology is being increasingly integrated in the development and deployment of innovative Intelligent Transport System solutions. The resulting efficiency improvement for the whole public and private transportation process has a direct positive impact on the environment.

ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Platforms are advanced ICT distributed solutions based on Internet computing. It already provides access to innovative telco capabilities such as mobile network and A-GPS location services.

We focus on info-mobility services for the driver and the citizen. Innovative services aiming at optimizing the management and use of public and private transportation are also supported (e.g. sorting traffic to avoid jams, parking management, etc.). The platform is also designed to enable mobile payments and vehicle control (intelligent navigation, entertainment, etc.).

All the entities of the transportation environment become interconnected and able to exchange data and information. Many different communication paradigms will be made available, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, Service Centre-to-Vehicle, Pedestrian-to-Vehicle and Driver-to-Service Centre. New services and business models to improve the traffic efficiency and reduce the environmental impact will be developed. 

By using the information obtained from mobile terminals and on-board telematic platforms, the new info-mobility solutions allow for better traffic management to save energy, better use of urban infrastructure (e.g. parking) to reduce travel time and CO2 emissions. These are advantages both for the environment and the population.

Temperature Controlled Packaging (TCP)

Perishable transportation market is estimated to grow fast locally, regionally, and globally despite the economical slowdown. Many countries and farmers would like to become more engaged in the production of perishable products for export and sales but lack adequate and affordable packaging and transportation solutions. Today, up to 40% of perishable products are wasted or spoiled between production and reaching the  consumer. 

To boost and expand carbon neutral shipping in perishable cargo sector and to meet the TCP and transport needs of small to large suppliers, retailers and transportation companies worldwide, we have developed a new thermo module. This cost effective solution for freight is made with light recycled materials, and it is easy to use and clean, and it does NOT require external power sources to operate - such as temperature controlled vehicles for transportation. 

This innovation can open new markets and business opportunities for manufacturers, suppliers, transportation companies, and retailers of temperature controlled products. Key benefits:

Savings in Transportation Fleet

NO refrigerated vehicles are needed for transportation. 

Smaller and Faster Delivery

Enables significantly smaller deliveries directly to customers avoiding the costs and delays generated by intermediate cold cargo storing. This creates an opportunity for companies to increase their offerings to customers, while improving flexibility, quality, and speed of service.

Sustainable Transport and Mobility Solutions

Enables and expands carbon neutral shipping and transport.  

Economic Impact

Real-time business intelligence platform monitors, verifies, and reports that the cold chain is not broken during the transportation. This has not been possible when using conventional technologies and transport equipment, where cargo space doors must be opened thus creating temperature spikes. Verification system has great impact for companies creating significant savings in recompenses and insurance premiums. 

Risk Mitigation

The risk for spoilage of perishable cargo will be significantly reduced when the cold chain is not broken and even temperatures are maintained.


Savings in energy can be achieved when opening the cargo space door doesn’t raise the temperature of the cooled space; the consumption of fossil fuels of one single refrigerating machine is 15-20 liters/ gallons a day; the total amount of transportation mileage is reduced and fuel efficiency improved, when the same or smaller size vehicle can transport frozen goods, perishables and dry goods in the same vehicle to customers. 

Small Deliveries

Enables smaller deliveries and the use of non-refrigerated small vehicles in city deliveries.  


Thermo module can remain in the customers’ premises working as a cold storage for a limited time. 


Eco-efficient, reduces waste, and the use of fuel, materials and water.

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Soft-Landing Services

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Hands-on-Advisory Services

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Soft-Landing Services

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Hands-on-Advisory Services

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